
Brackish Bodies of Water in UAE

Brackish bodies of water in UAE are a unique and important feature of the country’s geography. These bodies of water are found throughout the UAE and play a vital role in supporting the local ecosystem. In this article, we will explore the various types of brackish water in the UAE, their characteristics, and how they are used.

What is Brackish Water?

Brackish water is a type of water that has a salinity level between freshwater and seawater. It is found in estuaries, mangrove swamps, and other locations where freshwater and saltwater mix. Brackish water can have a salinity level anywhere between 0.5 and 30 parts per thousand (ppt).

Types of Brackish Water in the UAE

The UAE has a diverse range of brackish water bodies that vary in salinity, depth, and ecological importance. Some of the most notable brackish water bodies in the UAE are:


Sabkhas are shallow depressions that are flooded by seawater during high tide. These areas are characterized by their high salinity and the presence of salt pans, which are used to harvest salt. Sabkhas are important breeding grounds for birds and other aquatic life.


Lagoons are shallow bodies of water that are separated from the sea by a sandbar or coral reef. They are home to a wide variety of marine life, including seagrass beds, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps. Lagoons are also important for fisheries and aquaculture.


Estuaries are areas where freshwater rivers and streams meet the sea. They are characterized by their brackish water and are home to a diverse range of aquatic life, including fish, birds, and marine mammals. Estuaries are important breeding grounds for many species and are also used for commercial fishing.

Mangrove Swamps

Mangrove swamps are coastal ecosystems that are dominated by mangrove trees. They are found in areas where freshwater and saltwater mix and are important breeding grounds for fish and other aquatic life. Mangrove swamps also provide a habitat for a variety of bird species.

Uses of Brackish Water

Brackish water is used for a variety of purposes in the UAE, including:


Brackish water is used for irrigation in areas where freshwater is scarce. This is especially important in the UAE, where freshwater resources are limited. Brackish water is often treated to remove excess salts and minerals before it is used for irrigation.


Brackish water is used in aquaculture to raise fish and shellfish. Lagoons and other shallow bodies of water are ideal for aquaculture because they provide a natural habitat for marine life. Brackish water is often treated to remove excess nutrients and pollutants before it is used for aquaculture.


Desalination is the process of removing salt and other minerals from seawater or brackish water to make it suitable for human consumption. The UAE is one of the largest producers of desalinated water in the world, and brackish water is an important source of water for desalination plants.


Brackish bodies of water in the UAE are a vital resource for the local ecosystem and are used for a variety of purposes. From agriculture to aquaculture and desalination, brackish water plays an important role in the UAE’s economy and way of life.


1. What is the salinity range of brackish water?

Brackish water has a salinity level between freshwater and seawater, usually ranging between 0.5 and 30 ppt.

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2. What are some examples of brackish water bodies in the UAE?

Some examples of brackish water bodies in the UAE include sabkhas, lagoons, estuaries, and mangrove swamps.

3. How is brackish water used in agriculture?

Brackish water is used for irrigation in areas where freshwater is scarce. It is often treated to remove excess salts and minerals before it is used for irrigation.

4. Why are mangrove swamps important?

Mangrove swamps are important because they provide a habitat for a variety of aquatic and bird species. They also help to protect coastlines from erosion and storm damage.

5. How is brackish water used in aquaculture?

Brackish water is used in aquaculture to raise fish and shellfish. It is often treated to remove excess nutrients and pollutants before it is used for aquaculture.

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